Friday, February 3, 2012

luk beautifood kitchen |a tool to build e-subscribers & prospects 
My absence from blogging has a lot to do with building 'inhouse' my beauty kitchen blog | a place to learn and be inspired on how to Cook for Beauty so you can LOOK. FEEL.DO and 'be fabulous in the skin you are in'. The purpose of the beautifood kitchen blog is to build potential customers and pre-sales on the lippy range. It fits with my philosophy of 'the essence of a beautiful woman is beauti-ful food'.

As you know I have had a love | hate relationship with Wordpress, everyone says how simple it is to use and only take a few hrs, not for me and I thought I was was pretty techie. Well maybe my vision was too ambitious but I got so far down the 'homemade' path I just had to keep going and it took time, & time I really enjoyed. But I have time because my lipstick packaging got delayed yet again (I gave in and brought on board a luxury packaging/industrial designer to solve my issues) and launch is NOW mid year (the purchase order is in (LY) and project milestones are being met so it is all GO) I have also had my interns helping across their summer break, it has been a huge learning curve for all of us.

The good news is I'll be able to get a couple more sites up pretty quickly now because my knowledge level is high. I will transfer this blog to my domain Cindy Luken on a Wordpresss site + I will transfer the dedicated luk beautifood makeup site too rather than the path I was going down before using webeden. It is all just part of my need to keep everything streamlined to operate, use leading & connected operating systems etc that are easy to integrate and outsource content writing etc.

Are you interested in knowing how I pulled the site together? If so, comment below and I could do a blog on that subject.

tx - have a great weekend. :)

home page of 

1 comment:

GetawayGuru said...

Yes I am very interested in how you pulled it all together. Would love to hear more about so please, blog away!